Everyone claims to have “the” best recipe for Roast Potatoes, and that is fine….but they are of course wrong, because we do. Ours are incredibly crispy from cooking in duck fat, garlic and herbs with a soft fluffy centre. Don’t believe us? Try this recipe and pretend it’s yours when people come asking for it.
Start by peeling and quartering the potatoes.
Add them to a large pot of water and add 1 tablespoon of salt. Bring to a boil. Cook until you can just push a knife into a potato. Drain and allow to sit for 10 minutes in a bowl with cornflour, salt, and pepper. Toss around to evenly coat.
Meanwhile turn on your oven to 210/190 fan. Add the duck fat to a deep casserole dish and place into the oven to melt.
Carefully, add the halved garlic, and a few sprigs of thyme to the duck fat. Add the potatoes, and roast for 30 minutes. Toss around and then bake for a further 40 minutes until golden brown and crispy.