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Give your guests a tasty start to their dinner party meal with these quick and easy blinis, taken from a traditional Auguste Escoffier recipe. A great way to start your New Years Eve Celebrations.


1. Make a thin paste out of the yeast and a tablespoon of the flour and dilute with the lukewarm milk.
2. Leave this paste to ferment for two hours in a warm room, and then add the rest of the flour (115g/4oz), a pinch of salt, the tepid tablespoons of milk and pea puree.
3. Mix together and let it prove gently and add the egg yolk to enrich the mix.
4. Finally, fold in the whipped egg white like meringue, and the finely chopped mint.
5. Let the preparation ferment for half an hour.
6. To cook the Blinis heat a little rapeseed oil in a pan, then drop the mixture in rounds quickly, in the same way as you would pancakes.
6. Serve the pea and mint blinis topped with the smoked salmon and add a helping of the extra pea puree and W.S Bentley pea shoots to garnish.

All ingredients used in this recipe are available to purchase from the Fodder farm shop

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